
As the world of business and our needs continue to shift, we must understand what it really takes to translate our core initiatives into performance improvement that yields breakthrough results. We will learn and experience real time the five-step platform it takes to do that for any c-level, project-based, department or company-wide initiative while driving immediate impact to your critical objectives.


The Process You Will Go Through & The Results You Will Achieve

Step 1: The 4 Critical Questions

Through the 4 cornerstones of what builds and drives culture & strategy we will learn how to gain True Clarity™ in what is Really Most Important™ by defining the core questions that we need to answer in the following areas:

  • Our Marketplace: where we compete and where we create value
  • Our Customers: who we serve and what they really need
  • Our Organization: who we are and what we want to be
  • Our People: who will lead us and what value do they bring

Step 2: Core Purpose & Values (Internally & Externally)

Learn how to re-design the core foundation of your organization where you will define or enhance your true identity/pulse, mission, vision and values of what you want your culture to truly be. From there we will uncover why that is important and what that will do for your organization, team and customers not just for the long-term but day to day.

Step 3: Strategic Drivers & Focus

Define the true drivers of your culture & strategy that you will clearly uncover and define. From there you will then package the right KPIs (key performance indicators) to ensure that we track and evaluate the right milestones you need for your organization to succeed.

Step 4: Scenario Planning & Tactical Game Planning

Understand what you need to be prepared for based on your market conditions, customer needs, organizational performance or human capital in order to create the tactical plan you need over the next 1-12 months.

Step 5: Build To Launch

Learn how to truly launch any culture change and/or strategy over a series of sprints that start out at the individual level, department then organization wide. That process is rooted in a lean/agile approach of Build, Validate/Evaluate, Test, Improve & Integrate where this will ensure it feeds what you need to do in your organization day to day and the long-term at the same time.

Your First Step