When organizational budgets get cut, training and development is usually the first thing to go. That’s not because it’s not valuable, but because it’s not profitable. Training is seen in many ways as an expense and not as an investment that can yield a Real ROI. Make Training A Want To (Not A Have To)™ will transform your training function into a viable revenue-generating function that will be a true anchor within your organization to drive strategy, build capability, and achieve breakthrough results. You will become the first to fund, not the first to cut.
But here’s the challenge: not everyone is on board with your learning and development plan or approach, let alone willing to see it as an investment in your people. Sometimes it’s even seen as a public relations move, just checking the box, or a morale booster as opposed to a commitment to achieve your strategic plan through the optimization and alignment of people and departments.
Unfortunately, most training and workshops are not integrated into the bigger picture and rather are a series of disconnected sessions meeting small needs one at a time—or worse and most likely, attempting to solve immediate, reactionary requests as opposed to understanding real strategic needs and the overall vision of the organization.
Here’s a few questions to consider:
Is your L&D experience a balanced blend of supporting your people and growing your pool of emerging leaders, while at the same time focused on meeting customer needs and expectations? If not, why not?
Is your L&D department collaborating with organizational leaders to focus on the market and business demands along with the strategic direction of the company first before exploring the individual needs of the teams and people?
Once you have connected to the bigger picture, what critical needs must be met in order to continue aligning your departments and people to seize greater opportunities and collaborate within the culture of your organization?
What critical needs must be met to realize your people’s full potential and career path so that they become the best versions of themselves through the work they do within your organization?
We can help you accelerate real results through your ambitious learning and development opportunities.
Training and development is the backbone of any successful startup, growing, or mature organization because without continuous improvement and learning in today’s evolving business climate or customer needs, an organization will never be able to sustain itself or even realize its full potential. Platform skills and well-designed trainings are simply not enough to ensure that a Learning & Development or Organizational Development department can be what it needs to be: a viable strategic driver to lead the organization to its desired results and full potential. We will take you through any of our three processes to train your trainers, overhaul your training department, and certify your trainers to sustain this solution for your immediate time frame and as you evolve going forward.
Part 1: Building Your Strategic Core To Achieve Breakthrough Performance
We will transform your approach from program-based to results-based so that you can drive the Really Most Important™ results of your organization. The strategic engine we will use to both plan, implement, and drive breakthroughs from are based on these four critical components.
1. Strategic Discipline & Innovation
Building and implementing your strategic plan balances bottom line results with performance improvement by business line, department, and individual. Then, we uncover opportunities within your organization and departments to see where we can improve in how we operate, create value, and define new opportunities for growth.
2. Project & Performance Improvement Plan
To drive your strategic discipline and innovation, we will take you through our proven process to define the critical goals and needs of your customers (both external and internal) while assessing their real importance against the goals and needs of your organization. From there, we will create consensus around the critical training projects while gaining the commitment and resources from your leaders to ensure we Purposefully Execute™ on time, below budget, and above our ROI targets.
3. Capability Building
Once we are working on any training project (regardless of size), we must understand that it is about building capability and not just training to develop better skills. We will create a higher standard of excellence and performance in your training approach through a balance of entrepreneurial and agile principles to reshape your department's business model from content creation to value creation. This new approach will look at all aspects of how and why you train, along with necessary follow-ups to hardwire that training into what your people and departments need to be doing.
4. Strategic Partnering To Deliver A Real ROI
To translate building capability to delivering a Real ROI that people will take ownership of, you must become a real strategic partner and not a provider of training. First, we must define from the top level down what key performance indicators are vital to track and focus on so that you can realize the direction and impact of your department against what the overall organization and other departments really need in the long term. From there, we will implement our Focus, Frequency, & Follow Through Approach where training is a component of performance improvement—not the event—so that we can unlock what is needed to achieve a Real ROI in [1] your financials, [2] your capability, [3] and your culture.
Part 2: Training Delivery & Accountability Process
We will ensure that any training or ongoing process will yield not just optimal results, but a continuous passion and drive by the participants to take greater ownership of this new system.
1. Experience
Through our E5 Approach (Set The Stage, Entry, Engagement, Empowerment, Integration), we will look at your entire training department and business model to infuse a mindset that will maximize full immersion in what training can do to drive direct value to members and internal staff.
2. Collaboration
We will then build the type of collaboration needed within your training department and the entire organization in support of how to continuously learn, improve, and create greater opportunity cross-functionally. From this we will create the best practices and efficiencies that will drive next level confidence and performance.
3. Philosophy
As we co-create the experience with you, we instill a philosophy into each training opportunity that includes a well-thought-out purpose, vision, and context before even approaching the content to tie the training into the bigger strategic direction of your organization.
4. Design & Delivery
From content to facilitation and follow up, we will provide you a roadmap and the tools to help you own the material, the model, and the manifestation of your training needs. The material is the content for departments and individuals; the model is our Learn-Say-Do-Reflect Model to increase engagement, retention, and fun; and the manifestation is the skill to deliver beyond the usual guru-focused lecture or lecture-based training.
Part 3: Results-Based Consulting & Training Certificate
We will apply the following three steps to certify a pre-selected group in the key disciplines and model you want to replicate and scale throughout your organization.
1. Core Competency
First, we will introduce the six keys to effective consulting, training, and coaching where this group become more than just certified trainers, but true organizational leaders and strategic partners to your executives and departments.
2. Core Programs
Second, we will provide you with the tools and processes needed to design training that aligns with the impact you want to accomplish.
3. Learning, Practice, Application, & Certification
Finally, we will explore these four steps to not just earning the certification, but owning it.
Add-On: Building Education As A Viable Revenue Generator
Sometimes what you need is more than just another standard training or even a certification process; sometimes you must turn your staff training into a viable revenue generating asset for your organization’s customers or target market. We will show you how and help you build and fully implement a turnkey process that will not only enhance the training you do for your staff, but measurably impact and reduce the time needed to acquire, retain, and optimize your organization’s customers.
We will partner with your C-Suite to build the core of your L&D department’s four critical components of [1] strategic disciplines, [2] performance improvement, [3] capability building, and [4] strategic partnering.
We will implement this solution in collaboration with your directors and managers to restructure your training delivery and accountability processes around a comprehensive experience that infuses a fresh L&D philosophy and new set of training standards.
We will work with your human resources and training (L&D) department to develop consulting and training competencies, programs, and certifications.
Employees will understand how your routine training and workshop series are connected to the greater vision and purpose of the organization while feeling empowered to become better in their jobs and in their lives.
The next step you take is your first step with us.
This TSG solution transforms your training function by starting with your organizational culture and integrating your strategic plan for the future and tactical plan for the current 90-day cycle so that you can enhance the personal and leadership development of your people and departments in a way that actually makes a difference for your executive team all the way to your customer experience.
“The train-the-trainer was wonderful. It has a direct impact on the work you do in the future. Our team learned new things and used it immediately the next day. The training energizes you; it’s phenomenal! At least ten people came up and said, ‘This was the best we ever had.’ Go work with the Total Solutions Group!”
Personal and leadership development goes beyond assessments, instructional design, training delivery, tools, and technology. It begins with a strategic partnership between the L&D Department, all other departments, and business leaders where trainers become an extension of each team they work with to ensure optimal results, personal ownership, and full accountability. Becoming A Strategic Training Partner introduces the five phases to master in order to align your training function with the organizational needs of today and be able to capitalize on the organizational needs of the future.
We will balance the consulting, training and coaching that your department and each individual needs to both apply and master each step so that we not only transform your training function, but empower your organization with certified trainers and some of our proprietary material.
Results Analysis, as opposed to just being an order taker
Developing & Improving, as opposed to just checking the training boxes
Implementation Coaching, as opposed to just learning stuff
Performance Consulting, as opposed to just individual development
Strategic Partnering, as opposed to just being the training department
This certification is customized to meet the needs of your people and the demands of your growing business while providing you with the tools to transform your training function from an expense into an investment.
Our Training To Make Your Training Fun Again™
Content is not king (and it never was). We don’t teach content; we teach people. That’s why it’s time to dump the old adage about content and instead start focusing on context. Training sessions should bring the content to life and people should feel more excited about the material when they walk out of the session. Sadly, this is not the case for a lot of sessions. People are drowning in all of the free content that is available since the Internet arrived in 1995. It’s time for an update.
Make Training A Want To (Not A Have To) gives you the insight and tools to reverse engineer the ultimate training in order to facilitate learning experiences that create measurable results with your people and compelling reasons to apply the learning. Why does training have to be different? Because people learn in the spaces in between life. Don't you have your best ideas in meditation, in the shower, while driving, or falling asleep?! We can't deliver lectures to learners anymore; that's not how people learn. This experience helps you design training programs that engage and energize your learners while creating immediate and lasting impact in the organization. This changes everything.
Okay, full disclosure. This is not exactly a train-the-trainer, at least not the way train-the-trainers usually go. This is more than just being a trainer; it's about being a facilitator. We're not just training people; we're facilitating a learning experience, results, and the real-time application of the training.
To train means "to teach skills through practice over a period of time."
To facilitate means "to make actions or processes both possible and easier, while assisting with progress"
Today’s training has to be energizing, interactive, fun, and full of valuable content, too! But too many trainers still stand behind a podium—a 20th century practice. Content is the loser here; because it’s NOT about “what” people learn. This is about becoming a context expert. Experience for yourself training practices that go against standard practice.
Fill in the blank: Most trainings ______. If you said “are boring,” “are ineffective,” or “suck,” then we are in total agreement and something has to change. Managers need to implement programs to drive engagement, retention, and performance. Human Resources and trainers need to meet goals to create results that last longer than a month. Employees need to participate in something more than a dull and sometimes irrelevant lecture series. If you are tired or bored with ineffective training formats, let us help you discover a proven, disciplined approach to boost employee performance, leadership, and organizational culture from the training programs you deliver. Participants will understand not only the important and how to use the model to make their training more dynamic and memorable, but they will also learn exactly how to make small changes in their current trainings to make a big difference in the learning experience.
You'll walk away with critical and practical strategies to change the learning dynamic:
Learn to reverse-engineer the ultimate training experiences to create real measurable results in personal and team development that last longer than a month.
Engage learners with our unique and highly-researched Learn-Say-Do-Reflect Model to increase engagement, retention, and fun.
Improve your training atmosphere, increase retention to 90%, and create a consistent system for all trainers and facilitators to do the same.
Be an active part of the art and science to make training fun again and prove it to yourself why this is so important and what you can do about it.
Learn how to become a strategic partner and performance consultant for your organization, not just a trainer.
Our job is to make you look like a hero so that the people in your organization want to enhance their personal and leadership development…and then keep coming back to the training programs you provide.
Transform any training into an easy-to-apply and unforgettable experience with the Learn-Say-Do-Reflect Model that makes trainers and managers look like heroes.
Learn more about how we can customize your train-the-trainer experience here.