The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented because of the three key areas it is impacting at the same time: 1. Societal, 2. Health and 3. Economical. You add that this is global not localized and ongoing not time based we understand the byproduct is personal and organizational fragmentation, fear and disruption.
In the rapid swings and progression of the pandemic, is your sales organization prepared to for the next shifts in the economy and within your markets? As you begin to build recovery strategies do you truly understand the external forces that will affect what customer demand will be and the internal forces that will impact your sales organization’s culture and capability? In this webinar you will build a GTM framework to transform your sales organization by re-framing, re-imagining, and re-engineering what is Really Most Important™ now and for the long-term.
The Question: Are we clearly aligned to what is and will be Really Most Important™ to your market & customers while being ready to seize that?
Our Focus: Utilizing the Four Cornerstones of 1. Our Marketplace, 2. Our Customers, 3. Our Organization and 4. Our People you will learn how to reframe the core beliefs and approach that was running your sales organization to what the new mindset and approach must be.
The Question: Does your strategy and business model provide the relevant & compelling value to your customers in terms of where they are now, where they will be and what they will need to ensure success?
Our Focus: Transform your strategy and business model to drive the 3 tiers of impact based on your known, unknown and emerging opportunities to seize and problems you want to solve.
The Question: How can you drive rapid innovation and alignment of your sales organization to your market and customers while liming the fear, uncertainty and doubt of your people?
Our Focus: Using The Five Levels Of Breakdown To Breakthrough, you will be able to hardwire the innovation you need long-term and short-term to drive a performance driven organization without compromising what is needed day to day.